Jeremy Serwy 1

Serwy við “You can’t win every game easy”

Jeremy Serwy 1Jeremy Serwy, leikmaður FH var að vonum ánægður eftir sigurinn gegn SJK í Evrópukeppninni í gær, en undirritaður hafði samband við leikmanninn og spurði hann meðal annars hvernig honum líkar veran hjá FH.

Serwy tók reyndar ekki þátt í leiknum í gær, en hann hefur verið að spila sig betur og betur inn í liðið í undanförnum leikjum.

Við skulum heyra hvað kappinn hafði að segja við

What is your first reaction after the win against SJK?

“My reaction is really happy , we play a good block and win 0-1,”

Do you think FH have a chance in the second game in Kaplakriki against SJK and go to the second round?

“Yes we’ve a good chance to play the second round, just need to get a nul or win at home,”

Why did you choose FH?

“I choose FH because I had a good feeling before to sign and we can play three competition and the atmosphere is really good. All players is like FH family,”

Do you like playing for FH?

“Yes I like to play and specially take pleasure on the pitch,”

Is the icelandic league better than you had expected?

“When I was here in January for the trial, I was shocked about the level, the league is good and really intense. You can’t win every game easy. I love iceland at the summer,” sagði Jeremy Serwy við

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